What sex is Boj?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

19 Week Ultrasound

29th July 2010

What an exciting day again.... lunch-time ultrasound, and we met Ronnie's mum at the ultrasound clinic.
BUSTING again... dont like this full bladder thing! lol , especially when they know you do, and i reckon press harder with the ultrasound dopler!! lol

P.s. they need to make longer beds for tall people... my feet fall off the end of the bed that I have to go on for the ultrasound!

So we are there, me laying, Ronnie and his mum standing next to the bed. Chris had a prime spot, got to see the tv screen, plus the screen that the person doing the ultrasound sees.

This ultrasound was really just making sure that everything was measuring right, doing the brain, skull, lips, stomach, checking the heart and the veins, the bones.

This is the front on skeleton shot that we got... can so clearly see the eye sockets and the nose/mouth area.

The most cute thing was the spine and the little bum.... seeing the legs, hands, feet...

Ronnie reckons that Boj's feet look huge.. but we asked, and they are all in size with the rest of Boj's body, so still to determine whether it will be a tall or short baby.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi,the distance between the eye holes looks very far, just as the one I got from my 21 week scan, and I'm a very concerned. Did your boy born healthy?
